Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Lady Abroad!

Bonsoir, ma chere amis, 
The Lady De Montfort greets you from her Louis Quatorze writing desk in the Royal Suite of the Horst Wellness Schloss, Baden Baden.
Baden-Baden. Our rustic hostel...

It can, on occasion, feel youthfully spirited to “go native” for a few days and swap the gentile refinement of Kensington for the rustic charms of an exotic abode.

But.. as you would imagine ...there have been foreign complications.

The Countess and I must bravely resign ourselves to a cramped existence on the top floor of this modest resort. It maintains, scandalously, only four bedrooms, three drawing rooms, two balconies and a glass-roofed aviary!

Mon Dieu!

But, I wager, being hugger-mugger with the divinely fragrant Countess La Chapelle is 'un situation' our gentlemen readers would (gladly) shed their knighthoods for!

Two titled ladies abroad in a shabby and confining residence

Hahaha...I jest of course.  I suppose this virile foreign air makes me a tad indiscreet.

It appears – by the cavalcade of mail we receive - that the Clubs of Piccadilly obsess over our every delicious movement. Well perhaps (secure your monocles!) I will disclose some of the thrilling (and vigorous) aquatic exercises we have been subjected to by our stern Teutonic Doktors!

But...before you loosen your waistcoats and cummerbunds, I must deliver a sobre slap and reprimand to your mounting excitement. A tragic event has occurred that casts a poor light upon the management of this popular broadsheet. I hope this painful disclosure will energise those Members of Parliament who have influence on the board, to demand the dismissal of Geldhabe from his post as Chief Bully of Titled Womanhood!


Since being requested by the dashing Beau D’Arcy, to rescue his faltering journal, the Geldhabe has made it his personal mission to humiliate the Countess and I at every turn. I cannot for the life of me understand why we are so despised, unless perhaps he is an Invert, Socialist or Hebrew?

On the first day of our arrival at Company House he behaved like an animal. We had an appointment to meet the Head of Finance, and fully expected a respectable Guild-Man to bow and offer us Chateau Le Pen and choice pastries... but instead.. we were confronted by an unwarranted assault upon our delicate senses.

I will be brief.

On entering his office, the sight of his filthy and impoverished presence caused the Countess to shriek and faint.

In my defence his lack of masculine pedigree made him, at first, all but invisible to my gaze; but after my adorable cousine collapsed, I - in a terrified act of self-preservation – managed to focus my eyes upon his repugnant form. It took a strength of will ( I never realised I possessed)  to remain conscious and  emit a reflexive squeal of revulsion at his foul display.

What transpired next will startle you to your chivalrous core. Call for strong Brandy. I myself must pause and fan my tender brow with a Gold-Plated Horst Frauenhilfer...

A Gold Plated Horst Frauenhilfer
I resume.

Rather than scrape, simper and apologise to us for his disgraceful behaviour, the revolting civilian took umbrage.. At US!

He called for his leprous Type-hag Sweetlocks to expel US from the building! (I am sorry if this disclosure heats you to angered ejaculation... I counsel you to better spend those energies in letter and remonstrance to the Board.)

Fortunately by then the charmingly exuberant Herr Horst had entered the room, and on sight of the Countess sprawled prettily upon the carpet, hooted with emotion. Thus engorged with manly passion he chased the insufferable Geldhabe from the room with Kick, Horsewhip and Prussian Curse.

You relax and sigh with relief at our timely rescue.

But... the bespectacled knave had not finished with your gentle correspondents. Biding his time till on foreign soil he had prepared more vile stratagems against our honour!

Enough! Let us retire and compose ourselves...

Yours tenderly,

The sorely mistreated Lady De Montfort

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