Friday, November 11, 2016

Non-review of "Anatomy". Spoilers.

Anatomy is an indie PC computer game where you wander round a house clicking on audio files. The audio story is vaguely spooky in a sub-Videodrome / Clive Barker kind of way.

Basically the  house is supposed to be alive.

the best designed room in the whole game. Yes.

When it finishes after 8 or 9 minutes you are told via a readme file in the game directory to replay it.

The game changes over the next few replays. It is mildly spooky. It would be genuinely scary if you had any confidence that its climax would be more than a jump cut plus sound effect... but sadly.. that's what you expect and that's what you get.

It reaps anxiety by abusing the expectation that you are playing an "Amnesia" style horror game..with horrible monsters, horrible deaths and genuine jeopardy.

So,  this is not just cheating, but .. in Jurassic Park terms... it is standing on the shoulders of giants and taking a massive dump.

It irritates me that anyone can seriously rate this "game" when this kind of "experience" was comprehensively mastered 18 years ago..

Exhibit One> Thief: The Dark Project. 1998. Level 6 -The Sword.

Garret (hero avatar, played by user) has to steal an object from a nobleman's mansion.

The higher one climbs - through the house - the more the environment distorts. Perspectives and proportions buckle out of shape. Dimensions alter.. the house becomes semi-organic... and alive.

And when you get to the top of it.. and just about realize you have to go all the way down again to escape.

It is one of the greatest horror game levels/experiences ever created...

Anatomy is the product of a game designer who has never played Thief.

Thumbs down.

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