Sunday, November 6, 2016

An Interval...

Dear Psychonauts,

I am often asked by my audience (obviously not in the comments section, but on a more astral plane of existence) how in my drowned and non-corporeal state I manage to edit a horror blog.

A fair question I must confess.

As the events leading to my current situation - drowned physically and psychically - and transported to Yahar'gul, (The Unseen Village) are presumably well known among the Psychonaut community I see no further need to elaborate.

Suffice to say on infrequent occasions an epileptic spasm (experienced by certain degenerates in a parallel universe) allows my mind to transfer itself for a brief moment into the physical body of a PS4 Bloodborne player. Not an ideal situation for a gentleman, but it is enough to allow me brief communication with the Google owned entity

I have no idea what Google is or what it represents, but I assume it is a Great Old One in whose vast mindless potency I am but a mere speck - and therefore harmless and contemptible. As a consequence I flit about the frontiers of its alien consciousness, adding widgets, uploading jpegs and checking page views as quickly as I can before I am dismissed back into the ether.

The Drowned Man in happier times.
A second question, put by readers, is how my current situation has affected my family life. Quite poorly I must confess. My darling Abigail has not taken this unhappy turn of events with the calm equanimity I would have expected from a supposedly devoted wife and mother. On the few occasions she has seen my face appear in the reflection of her washbasin or bath, she has screamed and fled the room. I struggle to maintain any semblance of paternal authority in the household.

But we live in disordered times, and I cannot complain as at least my wife and family are well provided for and still exist unlike the unfortunate denizens of Guarrrag Yeth!

But I digress, our interval is at an end. And when I next manage to breach the putrid cerbellum of that PS4 half-wit, I shall, once again, be your guide.

The Drowned Man


  1. What a harmonious and well-matched couple you appear to be in your charming photograph. We readers are fortunate that you occasionally re-enter this earthly plane to provide such fascinating book reviews. Long may your psycho-journeys continue.

  2. Thank you kind reader. Unfortunately my superiors in the London Head Office seem a little cold-hearted in their attitude to my personal musings. But your comment is warmly recieved. Kind Regards from the astral plane of Gog-Solgoroth.
