Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hi Everyone, editorial team here...

Wow, all change right?

This is the team speaking, we've heard no word from Head Office since the change in management.. so the latest issue is on hold.

all change at the top!

Check this right...The Drowned Man has apparently gone into some kind of Astral Trance where elements of his psyche try to re-organise atoms into something resembling a face. I guess this is so he can host the "Humorous Anecodotes from Beyond the Abysmal Void" posting...You saw the advert? I did the file-naming on the JPG! . pretty proud of that!

So no publisher, no editor..  I guess that leaves us ..I mean I'm just the guy who puts a de-saturation filter on the jpgs and watches a few scary movies every now and then..

But last man on the sinking ship right? Captain on the prow.. what film was that? Speed 2, Under Seige?... hell knows..

damn.. need to swim back for my mug and Wacom tablet...

...OK vaped and back...

SOOO.. what's on... well Ruth in the stats department says that some of our readers who reside in a parallel universe are freaking out cos of some election for Head Honcho. Lost a cool black dude, gained a fat perv. Sucks man... know how that feels. Change is bad when it comes to bosses.

When he got his itchy leg he could be a bit of a dick...but, by and large, old Sir Hughie was pretty cool.  He spent big on xmas parties...tho his gifts - man they were weird - like sacks of coal and pots of goose fat, and Golliwogs - yeah no idea, some kind of racist Care Bear
But he was pretty chilled with the expense reports. Managed to slip in my PS Plus subscription as R and D... LOL!

Yeah, but the new guy...who knows. Ruth said she got a telegram (..?) from Finance dude, Joey Gelthabe. Speaks in some kind of French or Nazi accent, whatever, i never get a word he says...sounds like he is spitting and cussing all the time...

Joey Gelthabe. One tight mutha

.. so she gets this telegram ( messaging app? ) from Joey and like the new publisher is some short fat dude with a spiked helmet. Guessing...World of Warcraft Cosplay

Fuck knows.. anyway she say this Horst guy can't speak American, so he's got a genuine Yank to come in as Brand Manager - and he's basically our new boss. Name of Julius T Drumpf. Anyway, better a homie, than some weird French cosplay dude...

Ok hold..on....think we got a new post coming up... yeah...back to the jpgs! See ya!

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