Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Meeting of the New Board...continued. Transcript.

Josef Geldhabe: Year end revenues up fourfold... but...but - our costs have spiraled out of control! Dr Reginald Penrose it seems your signature attends these bills with dangerous frequency!

Dr Penrose: Back off Joe..that's classified..You know it, I know it...

Josef Geldhabe: But 492 Pounds on flowers in a month! All to 12 St. James Place!

Dr Penrose: ..."Operation Kleine Schweinhund" Joey-boy...

Operation Kleine Schweinhund!

Josef Geldhabe: Ahh yes..  but 820 Pounds on Caramel Macaroons?

Dr Penrose: ..."Operation Kleine Schw..."

Josef Geldhabe:  (Interrupting) Yah..Yah... Ok.. But 20,000 Imperial Yen on a Mitsubishi Sushi machine? Then...8,000 Turkish Dinar on an Ottoman Automated Chess Calculator and Mein Gott 120,000 French Francs hiring Madame Tussauds entire workforce for 3 weeks...what on earth?

Dr Penrose: ..."Operation Grosse Schweinhund" Joey.. Ease up old boy....

Operation Grosse Schweinhund!

Josef Geldhabe: This is impossible, even with the increase in Subscription fees, we cant possibly cover these bills! Crown Prinz bitte, wir brauchen mehr Geld! Crown Prinz...

...Oh where has he gone to now?

Julius T Drump: That no good hag-hound be unda the table, sucking long n' hard on that there Hussy's hairy toes...

Josef Geldhabe: Ach Nein!! (panting audibly) Ruhig Ruhig.. Ok..Dr Penrose.. Bitte we must cuts make to your departmental bills.. here, here - what on earth is this.. 450 pounds on Bolivian Laburnam seeds...

Dr Penrose: ..."Operation Kill the Fat Pig"

Lottie Sweetlocks emits a strangled roar, and Jurgen Horst yelps as he is kicked in the face and then yelps again as he smashes his head on the underside of the conference table..

Josef Geldhabe: Please, Herr Horst, leave the Fraulein alone, she is engaged in important work...

--------------------Transcription Breaks ------------------------


  1. Let's hope the good Doctor is able to rein in his spending, otherwise the whole publishing enterprise could go bankrupt!

  2. Josef Geldhabe writes: Rest assured Pickman Publishing is in safe financial hands.

    If you do wish to buy some "The Drowned Man" Christmas novelty goods in the back pages of the journal - please bulk purchase for your friends and neighbors.

    The Drowned Man "Pipe holder and Seance Compass" is our biggest selling item at the moment. Regards etc.
