Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Josef GeldHabe introduces the new Publisher; the Publisher introduces Julius T Drumpf. Transcript.

Dear Paying Customers,

I am not one to waste time or the Companies expensive printing ink so lets just get on with it. Here is Jurgen Horst, the new publisher. His English is poor, so he will be using his companies patented Sprechsdrucker. He speaks - it translates and types. Please stand, click your heels together and bow at a 25 degree angle to your waist.

Jurgen Horst. CEO and Elector of Saxony

Dance Dance English Pig Dogs. Here for the pleasure of the Rhinelands saddlebags springs Julius T Drumpf.  Large signs and business cards Keeper of.  Shaky hands.

Julius T Drumpf Brand Mangaer EMEA.
Well howdedoodie pardners.. I been meanin to spit some chuck and speak truthies to you dog-gone Injun loving limies...


Josef Gelthabe: I am zorry Herr Drumpf but I zink we should turn the Sprechsdrucker off now, It zeems to be malfunctioning...

Julius T Drumpf: I aint usin no darned spekkdukker.. I be speakin truthies now git before i shoot your darn pecker off limey!!

-----------Transcript resumed--------

God-darn interrruptin, condescendin limeys every dog gone where, and moresy.
I darn forgot where I was at now and that gets me righteous Mad!!!

Anywhich ways, you just start pan handlin as hard as you can, and work them blacks and orientals too.. they wont whip themselves u hear.. circle the wagons, and brand those womenfolk before the mexicans get to them first u hear...right digggedy do, I got a quart of Gitliquor siiting on my time so GIT GON U HEARS ME!!!! GIt GON!!


  1. Dear Publishers, Julius D. Trumpf does indeed represent a departure from the genteel manners of his predecessor. This turn of events was not predicted by seasoned publisher-watchers. I cannot help but wonder what plans Herr Trumpf has in store for us? Should the Drowned Man be worried?

  2. Herr Salmon, worry not. Josef Geldhabe ist hier and everything is fine. Ve vill not harm the golden goose, I mean the Drowned Man. Please pay your subscription promplty. Thankyou and end converstion bitte.
