Saturday, November 5, 2016

My Project

Midway upon the journey of my life I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforard pathway had been lost.

Fortunately I had spent much of my youth reading scary novels, watching scary films and playing scary video games; so I was pretty cool with it.

But in case 'forest's dark' fill you with trepidation... please take my hand.

Ahh bollocks I'm lost...

Talking about what makes me scared, is the only thing I really want to talk about nowadays. So if you want to join me in my interior monologue, read on, and  please comment. Feel free to ramble on about any old rubbish - I wont mind. I can do lowbrow, highbrow, troll-bait, dork-talk and the ancient curse-chat of the Great Old Ones.

But I wont be doing anymore weird HG Wells-speak. Sorry fellow Psychonauts. Its just too damn ennervating.

Ok lets get on with it. Next up Scary Short Stories....


  1. I like the Dante reference. I am clutching my Thermos flask even tighter now.

  2. haha...there is a sub-level hell devoted to those who spurn hot beverages....
